Ask family or friends and you’ll learn quickly that I am definitely not a Bookworm by any means. Much of my professional learning and growth comes from reading the online articles, blogs, and journals that Tweeps in my professional learning network share with me via social media. Some have recommended the nine university review series to learn more about marketing, and whilst it is a strong thing for many, I am not the most patient with reading. While I have no plans to change my online reading habits, I have been exploring other options to learn more about research surrounding growth mindsets, brain development, and even increasing productivity to maximize my time during the day and increase my family time in the evening.
For quite some time, I felt that increasing my knowledge in these areas would require finding time to read a book. Purchasing and actually reading physical books typically works only when I am travelling since many trips leave you disconnected on planes, the beach, etc. I even explored the option of E-Books, which seems like a more convenient option than physical books when on the go. Even with eBooks stored on my phone, I haven’t managed to get a routine down. When I have opportunities to read, I always seem to choose to do something else. The biggest limiting factor for me seems to be time and my unwillingness to give up other activities (such as writing this blog post) to sit and read.
Learning From Podcasts
For the past couple of years, I have been benefiting a great deal by listening to free podcasts in the car and at the gym. For those new to the term, a podcast is like a radio show recorded and shared for free on iTunes and other mp3 platforms. I have learned a great deal about Search Engine Optimization through the SEO Podcast Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing, effective uses of educational technology through Mobile Reach, The Real Estate Guys, Smart Passive Income, Seth Godin’s Startup School, and many others. I still enjoy these podcasts and many more when driving from school to school, up the 401 to Toronto, or taking a jog around the neighbourhood. However, I know it is time for me to make changes to continue learning about new research in education and how I can leverage this knowledge in my classroom and Middle Years Collaborative Inquiry Project. If you’re finding you don’t have enough time to learn and apply the knowledge you’re arming yourself with, you may want to carry on at a slow pace as well as outsourcing for the services you’re learning about, such as outsourcing Search Engine Optimization tasks to digital marketing agencies, like this SEO Stafford based firm, as an example. All the while allowing you to keep learning while freeing up some of your time. As a side note, many businesses are making use of the podcast medium, and whilst some have to look for the best podcast hosting outside of Audible many are on the platform itself, which could also give you ideas for marketing your professional side.
Maximize Your Time On The Go With Audible!
Just a few weeks ago, I heard an advertisement for Audible about bringing your favourite books with you while on the run. On my phone, I jumped onto their website and read more about it.
I managed to find a way to get a FREE 30-Day Trial which includes 1 Free Audiobook that can be cancelled anytime!
I am usually very skeptical when trial offers are available on the internet, but this one was completely legitimate. Plus, for the savings and convenience of listening to Audiobooks on Audible over buying a paperback/eBook, I was willing to give it a shot. I also saw that they had the witcher books and I have been interested in getting around to reading these for a long time so it was a no-brainer; I had to check it out.
Loving the 30-Day Trial? Check Out The Audible Membership Options
Here’s the scoop on the different Audible Membership Plans to get your first audiobook playing on your mobile device in no-time!
Membership options can be broken down into two categories: Monthly Plans and Annual Plans.
Monthly Plan Options:
Audible Monthly Membership Plans
Here are the two options for monthly memberships that you’d need to consider after your free 30-day trial.
Option 1: Easy Reader/Listener (Free 30-Day Trial)
- First book free, then
- 1 book a month
- $14.95 per month
Option 2: Big Time Reader/Listener
- 2 books a month
- pay 20% less than option #1
- $22.95 per month
Audible Annual Membership Plans
Here are the two options for annual memberships that you’d need to consider after your free 30-day trial.
Option 1: Easy Reader/Listener (Free 30-Day Trial)
- 12 audiobook credits all at once
- use them all at once or space them out throughout the year
- save $29.90 over 1 book monthly
- $149.50 annually
Option 2: Big Time Reader/Listener
- 24 audiobook credits all at once
- use them all at once or space them out throughout the year
- save $45.90 over 2 books monthly
- save over 23% over option 1
- $229.50 annually
That’s all there is to it! In the near future, I’ll be providing some book reviews on those that I found useful to extend my professional and personal growth.
What book will you be using your FREE audible audiobook credit on? Let me know in the comments!
Note that if you begin a trial using one of the links above, Tap Into Teen Minds will receive a small referral fee paid directly from Audible and costs you nothing. This small revenue generator helps me offset the costs associated with maintaining this and other educational blogs. If you found this post helpful and want to get a free book with your 30-day trial, I’d appreciate you using a link above. Thanks in advance!

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About Kyle Pearce
I’m Kyle Pearce and I am a former high school math teacher. I’m now the K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board, where I uncover creative ways to spark curiosity and fuel sense making in mathematics. Read more.
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Here are some other Podcast suggestions
Planet Money – Economics made interesting (
Freakonomics Radio – Crazy economics made interesting (
More of Less – picking apart numbers in the media (
Science Friday – mostly about science but sometimes about math (
RadioLab – mostly about science but sometimes about math. spectacular production values (
And as for audio books. I am currently listening to The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver. And throw in Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics. All a must for any Data Management teacher.
Great suggestions!
I have the paperback of Freakonomics and read about half… after reading this post, can you guess where? On vacation! When I got back home, the book went on the dresser and I haven’t touched it since. I actually really enjoyed the book, but just haven’t found the time to get back to it. Should I add it to my Audible list? Not a bad idea!
What platform are you using for audiobooks?
I just have them in my iTunes and then have a playlist for each book. Its pretty hackish. I have also used Overdrive for the free audiobooks I get from the public library (though they don’t have a huge selection)
Nice! I’m new to the audiobook idea, so I’ll have to check out itunes to see which is easiest to rock out.
i just have the books in my iTunes and make a playlist for each book. It’s pretty hackish. I have also used Overdrive for the free books I get from the library. Though they don’t have much of a selection