After spending hours of my own time over the past two weeks since receiving my Bretford Power Sync cart and 30 iPad 2’s, I was starting to get frustrated and disappointed with what I have been able to do with the iPads in my classroom. Since I was chosen to go to a brand new school in the Greater Essex County District School Board here in the Windsor-Essex, Ontario area, we have had many I.T. troubles; one of which was WiFi.
Our board uses two separate WiFi access options: a secured wireless SSID for all board owned computers and a public guest network that can be logged in via a web-based login screen similar to airport WiFi hotspots.
My problem? Logging onto the Guest Network with the iPads has been nothing but a nightmare. If there was a more secure connection it might have lightened the load a fair amount. Any good quality modem would’ve helped, it wouldn’t even have to be one of the latest docsis 3.1 modems. While trying to connect to this terrible WiFi, some iPads would allow the login screen to appear, while others would take much more time or not show up at all.
Today, permission was granted to use the secured SSID network for all 30 iPad devices. This allows us to save the SSID and password in each iPad, which allows for an automatic WiFi connection upon use of the iPad.
I can see the light!

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About Kyle Pearce
I’m Kyle Pearce and I am a former high school math teacher. I’m now the K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board, where I uncover creative ways to spark curiosity and fuel sense making in mathematics. Read more.
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