Brand New Tool Added to Knowledgehook Just In Time For EQAO Free Until September!
The Waterloo, Ontario based edtech startup “Knowledgehook” is at it again with a really cool new feature that is free for the remainder of this school year. With the EQAO Assessment of Mathematics Standardized Test just around the corner for grade 3, 6 and 9 students across the province of Ontario, I would have loved to know how my students stack up against students from those in prior years. Well, these guys have made that possible by taking the provincial data from previous EQAO tests and have created questions psychometrically valid for making comparisons.
Here’s what they had to say on their support page:
By using provincial data from prior EQAO exams, Knowledgehook’s EQAO Benchmark tool helps teachers easily identify the types of questions and areas that need special attention. By running our specially-made EQAO GameShows, teachers can measure how their own class is performing against provincial averages and be able to take action while there is still time.
Fast and informed EQAO preparation. Get started today!
I’m really curious to see what teachers think about this tool. I think there is a lot of potential here.
Let’s get started with some “how to” steps:
How To Access the Knowledgehook Gameshow Benchmark Data
Login and Create a Course
Create a free account and/or login at
Be sure you have already created a course for your students. If you have already done this, then move on to the next step.
Click on the Gameshows Tab
Click on the Gameshows tab in the main navigation bar.
Click on the Options Button
Click on the options button to the far right of the page. This should make the course selector dropdown menu appear.
Click on the Course Pull Down Menu
Pull down the course menu to see all possible courses.
Click on Grade 3, 6 or 9
Select grade 3, 6 or 9 from the pull down menu in order to access EQAO Benchmark Questions.
Click on an EQAO Strand
Click on any EQAO pull down menu that appears in the list of mathematical strands for that course.
Click View or Play
Click “View” in order to view/edit the questions in that gameshow. Click “Play” to play the questions as is. While you can edit the EQAO benchmark gameshows by adding/deleting questions as you see fit, note that if you actually edit the question itself, benchmark data will not appear for that particular question.
Click on Invite Students
Select your options for the gameshow and then click “Invite Students”.
Give Students Instructions to Login
If you use gameshow often, your students will know what to do here.
Have Students Login With An Account or as a Guest
If you plan to use Gameshow more than once, it is probably best to have them create an account and become students in your Gameshow “class”. However, if it is your first and only time, you might want to expedite the login process and have them login as a guest.
Play The Gameshow
Click “Play” to begin.
How You Can Tell This Is a Benchmark Question
All benchmark questions indicate which EQAO Year they came from and what strand they were related to.
Once Students Submit an Answer, They Can Upload Their Solution
This is one of the biggest features for me as a teacher. I love having students able to share their thinking with the rest of the group and we can really focus on multiple representations and ensuring students know that there are many ways to solve a problem with a high level of effectiveness.
Share Out Those Solutions!
This is great, especially around EQAO time for students to be able to explain their thinking and help others who may be a bit rusty on some ideas they haven’t played with for a while. Take the time and make it a learning experience!
Click Next to See Benchmark Data
Click Next to see the benchmark data.
Scroll down past the animated gif and other messages until you find the Benchmark data pull down menu.
Click to View Benchmark Data
How Did Your Class Do?
How did your class do?
It is my understanding that this tool was created as a way for teachers and students to identify gaps in their understanding as they head for EQAO and the end of the school year. Hopefully, students will be able to see where they are weak comparatively to other students in the province in prior years and attempt to address those gaps with purpose and intentionality.
Interested In Trying Out Gameshow and EQAO Benchmarking?
Get registered for a free teacher gameshow account!
Would love to hear how you found the tool. Was it helpful? Where might they improve the tool?

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About Kyle Pearce
I’m Kyle Pearce and I am a former high school math teacher. I’m now the K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board, where I uncover creative ways to spark curiosity and fuel sense making in mathematics. Read more.
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