Crossing Fingers I’ll Be At The GTA in Austin, TX!
It has been on my list for a couple years. I would set reminders in my calendar every couple weeks and time and again, I would have something very time-sensitive on my plate to take care of. This year, I made a commitment to follow through with applying to the Google Teacher Academy later this year in Austin, Texas and I’m happy to say that it is in!
Having used Google Apps in my classroom beginning with a simple Google Calendar for my course website and now setting up Google Apps for Education Domains for multiple schools outside of my district, I felt I could really benefit from two days of great Google PD.
If you’ve never heard of the Google Teacher Academy, definitely check it out! There are multiple locations each year with the closest for me left in 2014 is in Austin, Texas. Although the application closes tomorrow for Austin, there are other locations updated on the page throughout the year.
Included in the application is a 1-minute video. Here’s mine:
Video Transcript:
My name is Kyle Pearce and I am honoured to be applying for the Google Teacher Academy.
My Google journey began in 2008 when I used Google Calendar adding hyperlinks to each event to share notes and solutions. Since then, I became the district Middle Years Collaborative Inquiry in Mathematics Lead, where I have over 130 educators use the power of Google Apps to plan, collect data and reflect to help guide their inquiry.
Due to this success, I applied and administer the Google Apps for Education domain at my home school – the first in our district to offer access to the massive selection of free tools to help increase student and teacher innovation and creativity.
This year, with the release of Google Classroom, our digital workflow has improved significantly as we have said “Goodbye” to digging through student shared folders in Google Drive to monitor progress.
While I have experience integrating a variety of Google Apps in the classroom, I would be thrilled to participate in the Google Teacher Academy to learn from the Google Team and the many innovative educators who will be in attendance.

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About Kyle Pearce
I’m Kyle Pearce and I am a former high school math teacher. I’m now the K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board, where I uncover creative ways to spark curiosity and fuel sense making in mathematics. Read more.
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