2013-14 Middle Years Collaborative Inquiry – Session #5

Greater Essex County District School Board – MYCI in Math

Welcome to the 2013-14 MYCI Project Session #5. Feel free to use the resources below to continue guiding your inquiry throughout the remainder of the school year.

MYCI Session #5 Presentation Slides

Download the presentation slides by clicking here or clicking on the image below.

Middle Years Collaborative Inquiry (MYCI) Session 5 Resources

MYCI Cycle Data Analysis Submission Video & Form

Submit your cycle #3 (and any other cycle data you have yet to submit) using the MYCI Data Submission Form. Click below to access the form:

MYCI Cycle Data Analysis Submission Form

If this is the first time you are using the form, you can watch a video that helps explain the process:

Exit Ticket

Please have each team member complete the Exit Ticket below before leaving your session for the day:

Is the Google Form not appearing below? If so, please click here to go directly to the form.

We hope you found this session beneficial as your team continues to grow! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns along the way!