Essex Public School Based Learning (SBL)

GECDSB School Based Learning Sessions (SBL)

Wednesday January 11th, 2017

Thanks for inviting me to learn with you on your school based learning day! The group was energetic and excited to learn about meaningful manipulative use, spatial reasoning, concreteness fading and 3 act math tasks.

Here’s a summary of what we explored today:

The GECDSB Mathematics Strategy

GECDSB Math Strategy

Mathematical Proficiencies

The full GECDSB Mathematics Vision is here.

GECDSB Mathematical Proficiencies

Cookie Monster – 3 Act Math Task

We did Graham Fletcher’s Cookie Monster 3 Act Math Task as a warm-up.

Access his resource page here.

Cookie Monster Graham Fletcher - 3 Act Math Task

Making Math Contextual, Visual and Concrete

As I mentioned, I have been on a quest to make math contextual, visual and concrete. To learn more about how I use 3 act math tasks as a means to spark student curiosity as we introduce new learning goals, read my post about the 4-part math lesson.

Kyle Pearce Math Vision

The Pedagogical System

We then discussed the Pedagogical System as a way to summarize effective mathematics instruction. Placemats were passed out and participants took some time to think about and discuss where these elements could be found in the Cookie Monster Task.

The Pedagogical System

Using Manipulatives as a Tool for Understanding Place Value

We briefly viewed two student interview videos by Marilyn Burns to show how manipulatives can be very important to assess student understanding.

See these videos and others here.

Marilyn Burns - Understanding Place Value and Manipulatives 1

We then explored the progression of multiplication. For a full summary, see the post below.

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Concreteness Fading

We attempted to summarize the use of manipulatives on a continuum called “Concreteness Fading”. While the name suggests that concrete manipulatives fade away over time, it is important to remember that they fade away with one layer of abstraction and then reappear as a new layer is “piled” on.

Applying Concreteness Fading to Progression of Multiplication

Hope you folks found this professional learning experience useful. I’d be delighted to come back and learn alongside you all again sometime soon!