Speaking and Consulting
Sparking Curiosity to Fuel Sense Making
Invite a K-12 Mathematics Consultant and former high school math teacher to speak at your next event.
I’m Kyle Pearce
My math learning journey began with the Greater Essex County District School Board in Southwestern Ontario back in 2006.
After only a few short weeks teaching my grade 11 college and workplace preparation courses, I knew that writing a note on the chalkboard and teaching the way I was taught was not going to reach every student.

“I knew that writing a note on the chalkboard and teaching the way I was taught was not going to reach every student.”

The Make Math Moments core lesson design should be your go-to math lesson planning framework to spark curiosity, fuel student sense making, and ignite your teacher moves.
Download the Digital Guidebook now!
Let’s get our students Noticing and Wondering in math class…
Get Kyle involved in your Mathematics Professional Learning Plan to help your educatiors transform their teaching practice and build their mathematics content knowledge.
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Experience and Expertise
I teach, coach and consult from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in mathematics content knowledge, pedagogy and leadership for the Greater Essex County District School Board and independently for school districts. I have extensive experience delivering keynote talks, presentations and workshops at conferences across North America.
I’ve Worked With…

- Rich Math Task Creating
- Keynoting and Presenting
- Workshop Facilitating
- Constantly Learning

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